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A Collection of Truth Ideas by Robert Wood
Robert wrote this inspirational book over several years simply by jotting down insights as they came to him in his day-to-day life.
This book consists of:
- Parables: Earthly Stories with a heavenly meaning
- Quotations: Statements of truth from famous people
- Poems: Lyrical contributions from friends
- You Know When You’re Getting Close to God When You:“One-Liners” to Inspire you
- Places to Find God: Where God is
- Prosperity Tips: Ideas to find God’s good
YOU KNOW YOU’RE GETTING CLOSER TO GOD WHEN YOU: value your word more than money enjoy giving more than receiving are not afraid of the future are poised, relaxed, and at peace are glad to be you feel energetic and alive aren’t material-minded for selfish reasons look for alternatives, don’t have problems affirm ideas of love daily feel an inner power read and reread the Bible laugh with people not at them TRUST, TRUST, TRUST,
When you bake a cake, you wouldn’t think of eating the individual ingredients before cooking them. If you did, I’m sure your cake wouldn’t taste very good, so don’t judge or condemn yourself in the work you do for that is like eating the ingredients of your labors before you have finished them. 160 pages filled with parables and short stories which cause the mind to reflect on Truth. Order today!!
Ask yourself what a banker would think if you collected all your last year’s checks and took them to him, demanding all your money back because you believed you had spent it unwisely? So it is when you try to relive your past experiences and refuse to accept what happened. Resentment is not accepting what has happened in your past. 160 pages filled with parables and short stories which cause the mind to reflect on Truth. Order today!!
The mind tips up and down like scales- down if weighted by material gain, up if the load is lightened. If you are down, deressed worried or upset, it is probable because you are loaded down. Lighten the burden by giving up and letting go of material concerns. Lightness is JOY.
To chase after fame and wealth is to eat honey with a sharp knife.
Wouldn’t you rather be happy than right? Many people are so intent on being right that they kill themselves in many small ways- like losing friends, jobs and money. Be happy first and don’t allow your opinions to get the way You’ll live longer, too.
You are the light of the world; and when that light shines, it should shine before all men like a city on a hill or a lamp within a darkened room. But to hide your light is to keep many from not seeing. Christ Jesus
The Candle burns a precise and even white As incense settles into twilight. Pure is the air, delicate and right As thread-like silk clouds weave into night. Bliss brings unbounded to bodies bright Rare radiant beauty in the flaming firelight, With flickers and flutters, a melting sight Of some wax and some warmth held so tender and tight That nothing is found, only sheer height Rising like string in the hand of a kite. We fly like fine stars from the moon’s crescent site. Free children of fire handmade by Light!
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard seed which a man took and sowed in the field. It is the smallest of seeds, but when it has grown, it is the greatest of trees so that birds of the air come and make nests in its branches. So it is with a man who studies and learns about God, what he first learns may be small but as the understanding grows great is its magnitude and many a person can rest in his faith. Christ Jesus
People change when they: hurt are bored find out change is good see the wholeness of life.
Prosperity Tip: Work not for a paycheck or for someone else (even if you’re employed by someone else). Do your job for the sake of giving and see yourself as God’s employee.
Act Now: Today is the First day of the rest of your life.
I was asked to cut down a bush for a friend, and in so doing, I became one with the experience. Many branches were emerging from the bush. Some were dead, some were partially dead, and others were just budding leaves. The branches were all entangled, some small, some large, each wrapping around the other. The dead limbs broke off easily, as they were brittle and had no life. The live branches were flexible and would not break, as they were strong with life. I saw my mind like that bush. For as I looked within it, I saw habits I didn’t want that needed to be cut down, dead beliefs that no longer served me and had to go. So I cut and chopped and cleared away the bush. The roots also had to go. I had to dig deep into the ground to remove them, thus preventing the bush from growing back again. I also dug out the old memories and fears that lay underground in my mind until all the old ego mind was gone forever. 160 pages filled with parables and short stories which cause the mind to reflect on Truth. Order today!!
A firmly held hose will water those thing it is pointed at. Your consciousness will nourish only what it is focused on. What do you water and help grow? Fear or Love.