KNOW ME AS I AM – by Robert Wood

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I am a devoted student to the HOLY SPIRIT who has guided me in my spiritual path. I am no greater or lesser teacher than any other for I am here to be helpful and never harm. I am not good or bad, nor worse or better than any other. I am your equal as we are the holy child of the most high I AM. Your personal egoistic self will fight, question, reject or not accept some parts of this book. Your trained learning brain will find these ideas hard to comprehend or accept. It will most likely attempt to have you deny it or not complete what is asked. The purpose of repeating the phases is to learn focus and contemplate a single idea Wholeheartedly. I AM The answer to all personal issues or problems you are dealing with is not solved from the level of being human but is solved from the level of being divinely human so you can transcend the lower mind and enter into higher knowledge.


