I was asked to cut down a bush for a friend, and in so doing, I became one with the experience. Many branches were emerging from the bush. Some were dead, some were partially dead, and others were just budding leaves. The branches were all entangled, some small, some large, each wrapping around the other. The dead limbs broke off easily, as they were brittle and had no life. The live branches were flexible and would not break, as they were strong with life. I saw my mind like that bush. For as I looked within it, I saw habits I didn’t want that needed to be cut down, dead beliefs that no longer served me and had to go. So I cut and chopped and cleared away the bush. The roots also had to go. I had to dig deep into the ground to remove them, thus preventing the bush from growing back again. I also dug out the old memories and fears that lay underground in my mind until all the old ego mind was gone forever. 160 pages filled with parables and short stories which cause the mind to reflect on Truth. Order today!!